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Exhibition   |  Projects

Reconnecting humanity by means of Beauty and Art.

Both ESSENTIA and SENSES are ongoing exhibitions projects created as part of the desARTification project. They come in different formats, yet present equally powerful narratives, with concepts and sceneries complementing those of desARTification

The core ambition of all our projects is to trigger the original emotional memory of the civilization by reassembling the sense of connectedness among all living forms on Planet Earth and to do it by means of Beauty and Art.

We are open for collaboration with all entities that share our core values:

Galleries, collectors, museums, art foundations, corporate art collections and philanthropic institutions, exhibition spaces and art venues.  Also, all locations less ordinary, such as venues out of the box or spaces with evocative aesthetic and/or function, companies with high ecological awareness and oriented on sustainable development and last but not least, all determined and goal oriented individuals who strongly believe that Beauty can save the World and are focused to make it happen.



Slow down.  Observe.  Feel.  Think.

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Light.  Shadows.  Desert.

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Exhibition packages are available on demand, with a possibility to be customized. 

The scientific, social and cultural divulgence through Art is one of our main goals and therefore, we offer a possibility to include optional collateral events, promotions and public engagement activities in the exhibition program. 

Contact us for any further information.

We love to make Art happen!!  Art is the strongest way of connecting people!!

“More than a bridge from person to person, Art is a bridge across eras, cultures, and lifetimes - a kind of immortality. If people lacked this capacity to receive the thoughts conceived by the men who preceded them and to pass on to others their own thoughts, men would be like wild beasts … And if men lacked this other capacity of being infected by Art, people might be almost more savage still, and, above all, more separated from and more hostile to one another.”

- Lev Tolstoj -

desARTification © 2020 Nik Barte - All rights reserved - P.IVA 03848990986