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Story | Why desARTification ?

To recover the lost consciousness that we are all connected.

Art has always been a major form of consciousness, a precise indicator of the actual human condition and hence, an opportunity to enter the future with regenerated dignity. desARTification represents challenging effort to build a bridge from person to person, from soul to soul by using the means of beauty and art in order to recover the missing consciousness of our civilization. The entire concept has been constructed upon this key assumption.

Basically, desARTification is a photographic project built upon the urgent need of immediate action regarding the desertification as a greatest environmental threat of our time as well as the climate crisis and ecological disasters in general. It uses a means of art and beauty in order to achieve that and this choice is definitely not random.  

Beyond any form of sustainable development and concrete actions, in first place, there is a serious worldwide need to relearn how to love each other. Moreover, it is more than essential to regain the awareness of belonging - to each other as well as to our shared home, Planet Earth - especially when combating severe phenomenon such as desertification. Because an arid soil means no life. The arid soul means no life, too.

"desARTification represents challenging effort to build a bridge from person to person, from soul to soul by using the means of Beauty and Art in order to recover the missing consciousness of our civilization. The entire concept has been constructed upon the key assumption that Art has always been a major form of consciousness, a precise indicator of the actual human condition and hence, an opportunity to enter the future with regenerated dignity."

When did we stop to treat Planet Earth with love and respect? How come that we do not take care anymore about Mother Nature, but instead we continue to make her suffer? Our planet has been hurt, exploited and systematically destroyed for far too long. We are surrounded by unmistakable evidences of the suffering we humans have inflicted upon Mother Nature. What makes a human being forget about kindness?

The kindness is an attitude towards ourselves and the entire world around us - people, animals, plants, the environment and Mother Nature in her wholeness – with sincere and uttermost respect. Kindness represents one of the most authentic human feelings. It emerges spontaneously from the depths of the heart and makes the soul glow with irresistible grace. It is not possible to emulate kindness neither to fake it since it is generated by the unconditional love towards all forms of life. And that is exactly what needs to be urgently recovered. 

"desARTification is a photographic project built upon the urgent need of immediate action regarding the desertification as a greatest environmental threat of our time as well as the climate crisis and ecological disasters in general."

Sadly, the point of no return in the climate emergency has been already reached. It’ll no longer suffice to continue with indifferently documenting the damage. It doesn’t help either to explode in accusations or point a finger. We are all accountable for neglecting our only home, without any exceptions. We are all responsible. But what is more important is that, beyond everything, we are all still entirely connected, we are all affected! This insight – so apparent, yet completely ignored! - was crucial for developing the desARTification project, for it is only with the awareness of our interconnectedness that true kindness could arise.

desARTification is a truly inspiring endeavour in order to activate these feelings and introspective processes by proposing a timeless, uncontaminated aesthetic. It is a heartfelt decision to build a bridge from person to person, from soul to soul by using the means of beauty and art in order to unveil the forgotten kindness and unquestionable connection among all living forms. Hence, the innate comprehension that we are all One is the unique cure that could create a healing wave for this Planet and hopefully recover the humanity.

“Art is a form of consciousness.”
- Susan Sontag -

desARTification © 2020 Nik Barte - All rights reserved - P.IVA 03848990986